Joseph H. Mizrahi


Joseph H. Mizrahi represents employees in all types of discrimination, harassment and retaliation claims against employers of all sizes. Joseph has also led hundreds of class action lawsuits and individual litigations seeking compensation for publicly traded and private corporations violating the ADA. These litigations focus on vindicating the rights of the visually impaired who regularly encounter various barriers on company websites and other places of public accommodation. 

Additionally, Mr. Mizrahi assists in prosecuting mass tort and product liability actions, in which a handful of multinational corporations are believed to have caused severe and irreparable injury to hundreds of thousands of consumers nationwide. Mr. Mizrahi has amassed a solid client list as he currently represents over 1,000 such claimants.


  • St. John's University School Law School, J.D., 2015
  • Brooklyn College, B.A., 2010, summa cum laude


  • New York
  • Southern District of New York
  • Eastern District of New York
  • Northern District of New York
  • Western District of New York
  • Northern District of Illinois

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